Bury Autism/Asperger syndrome Support Group
Contact: Chris Parkinson
Tel: 0161 763 4867
Email: burycarers@yahoo.co.uk
Bury Autism Parent Society
Contact: Joanne & Tony Moran
Tel: 0161 761 0132
Parent Carer forums
Advocacy Services
The Bury Advocacy Hub
Bury Advocacy Hub
Mind Wellbeing Centre
3-11 Drake Street
OL16 1RE
Tel: 0161 933 2623:
Email: info@buryadvocacyhub.org.uk
Bury Advocacy Hub is funded by Bury Council, Bury CCG and NHS England to provide independent advocacy services to the following groups:
Care Act Advocacy (CAA)
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)
Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
Non Statutory Generic Advocacy
Informal patients on acute mental health wards
People supported in the community through the Care Programme Approach
Young people at Hope and Horizon units
Counselling services
Respect for All
Respect for All offer counselling and play therapy to people who have learning disabilities, Asperger's, autism spectrum conditions, supporting parents, families and carers.
Tel: 0161 532 4070
helpline number: 0161 532 4075
Website: www.respectforall.org.uk/counselling/
(the helpline is staffed for 2 hours (times variable) a day, 6 days a week and there is a 24 hour voice mail on also.
If you would like to share the details of a local Autism support group on our website please visit our contact us section & tell us about your group